An Insider's Look at What Euroscola Is Like from Leaders and Students
Delve into what the participants of a recent Euroscola visit to Strasbourg had to say about their experience!
A group of students and leaders from Junior College travelled to Strasbourg for a Euroscola session on 11 April. This one-of-a-kind experience underlies one of our youth programmes. If you want to know what it's like, here's what they had to say about their journey to the EP:
Samuel Stellini:
"Participating in the Euroscola Parliament activity was an enlightening and educational experience that expanded my understanding of the various political perspectives and enhanced my skills and values. Witnessing a plenary session where hundreds of students from across the EU passionately shared their opinions, I was reassured by their eagerness to engage in politics to shape their future. I felt privileged to be a part of this transformative experience and I strongly recommend it to all post-secondary educators."
Francesco Frendo:
"The Euroscola experience was an enriching, vibrant and dynamic activity that had a rejuvenating effect both in terms of personal growth as well as in terms of a communitarian exercise. The conglomeration of young students in an arena where the highest delegates vote on European laws was an inspiring task to witness. Moreover, the level of discussion, the value of equality and the skill of critical thinking were highly laudable. Well done to all the students who participated and I recommend this illuminative experience to any future students."
Jinzhu Lu:
"The experience on the Euroscola Parliament Day gave me a general idea of the European Union and made me realize the importance of votes. The fabulous experience made me understand that the EU focuses on citizens’ voices. The trip was fascinating and I firmly believe that more students in Malta should try to take part in this campaign."
Samuel Borg:
"The journey of entering the European Parliament and participating communicated to me the way the European Union works and it conveyed to me the power that a vote has. Listening to the MEP’s proved to me just how much the EU cares for its members and its citizens. The trip was nothing short of outstanding and I would strongly recommend it to any Maltese students who receive the opportunity to participate."
Elisa Mercieca:
"My debate abilities improved, my awareness of EU government deepened, and my feeling of European identity was strengthened—all as a result of the life-changing experience that was Euroscola Parliament Day. Interacting with classmates from different backgrounds generated lively debates, and practical exercises such as creating resolutions encouraged leadership and collaboration. I highly urge taking advantage of this priceless opportunity."
Michaela Elisa Mifsud:
"The Euroscola Parliament activity was truthfully an eye-opening and breathtaking experience which introduced me to a variety of other unique beliefs and perspectives. Listening to each student’s take on a particular subject taught me how to properly build an argument and provided me with a better understanding of the inner workings of the European Parliament. Lastly, I highly recommend such an experience to all future Maltese students who are given the opportunity to attend."
George Vella:
'Il-parteċipazzjoni tiegħi f'Euroscola wrietni li l-Parlament Ewropew huwa istituzzjoni Ewropea importanti, u mhux xi ħaġa żejda li nivvutaw għaliha darba kull 5 snin. L-opportunità li niddiskuti tema bħall-Ugwaljanza bejn il-Ġeneri, flimkien ma' bosta Ewropej oħra writeni l-diversità ta' opinjonijiet li għandna fl-UE, imma kif fl-istess ħin xorta konna kapaċi niddiskutu ċivilment. L-appell tiegħi huwa li iktar żgħażagħ jipparteċipaw f’dan l-avveniment, għax mhux ta’ kuljum li jkollok iċ-ċans titla’ sal-binja tal-Parlament Ewropew fi Strassburgu.'
James Sciberras:
"Participating in Euroscola broadened my understanding of the European Union and emphasised the significance of voting. Engaging in the simulation enhanced my debate skills, deepened my awareness of the EU government and resulted in a strengthened European identity. I strongly encourage more Maltese students to take part in this eye-opening experience."
Nicole Spiteri:
"Participating in the Euroscola Parliament Day was a transformative experience that enhanced my critical thinking, communication, and teamwork skills. Engaging in debates and simulations provided a deep understanding of EU processes. The interactive nature of the event fostered a sense of community and collaboration. I highly recommend this enriching opportunity."
Dora Zarouk:
"Embarking on a day in the European Parliament instilled invaluable skills, attitudes, and values essential for navigating complex global issues. Engaging in rigorous debates, collaborating with diverse perspectives, and advocating for meaningful change exemplified the power of diplomacy and leadership. I wholeheartedly recommend this enriching experience for fostering civic engagement and global awareness."
Christine Penza:
"The opportunity to visit the European Parliament in Strasbourg was truly one that any student would seek to enrich and obtain skills such as public speaking and debating. Other than the incredible atmosphere of having multiple cultures collaborating in the same room and communicating openly about pressing issues which they are passionate about, the chance to experience what it would be like to be a member of parliament was truly exhilarating. I truly hope more students are invited to share such an amazing experience."
Julia Bonnici:
"Taking part in the Euroscola Parliament activity was a very interesting and mind-opening experience. Thanks to this experience, I am now more knowledgeable about what happens in the European Parliament, and its inner workings of how multiple cultures can come to a consensus, regarding a major European issue. I highly recommend this experience to anyone interested in politics, because this was a very educational experience."
Francesco G. Giorgino:
"Speaking publicly in the European Parliament is surely a dream come true. This great experience helped me delve into a topic which I wasn’t quite familiar with technically, raising my awareness in regards to gender equality. Additionally, it was amazing to discover the inner workings of the parliament, as well as to briefly experience the life of an MEP. This encouraged me even further to pursue a career in the EU and politics. If you have the opportunity to get on this program, taking part is a no brainer!"
Ilenia Debono:
"The opportunity to visit the European Parliament is a lovely ordeal, let alone having the opportunity to participate in an MEP simulation. The topic discussed was one very close to my heart, which I believe is often overlooked, Gender Equality. Giving my input on the topic, and hearing different people’s opinion on this topic from all around Europe is a memory I will treasure throughout my studies. You needn’t be interested in pursuing a career in politics or the EU to participate in Euroscola as it offers new skills and an adventure to everybody."
Brandon Lee Bugeja:
'L-opportunita li nipparteċipa f’attivita edukattiva bħal l-euroscola u nżur il-Parlament Ewropew m’hijiex opportunita li jkollok b’mogħod regulari u rajta esperjenza unika u informattiva. Waqt il-hin tagħna fil-parlament kellna l-opportunita li nistaqsu u nitkellmu mal-viċi preżident tal-Parlament Ewropew, waqt din id-diskussjoni kont infurmat fuq ħafna probblemi ta’ pajjizi Ewropej li kieku ma kontx naf bihom, apparti mid-dibattiti li qed jolqtu l-Ewropa sħieħa. Kellna ukoll l-opportunita affaxxinanti illi nagħmlu simulazzjoni fuq l-ekwalita bejn il-ġeneri, fejn smajna opinjonijiet miż-żewġ naħat tal-politka, u minħabba hekk naħseb illi dik kienet tassew sessjoni edukattiva. Jekk għandek passjoni għal politka u anke jekk m’ghandekx, l-esperjanza tal-euroscola hija waħda li nisuggerixxi għal kulħadd.'
Sarah Carabott:
"Participating in Euroscola Parliament Day was an enlightening experience . It sharpened my public speaking, communication skills and teamwork skills. My knowledge and understanding of the EU and its policies was deeply widened. Engaging in debates on pressing European issues and collaborating with others from diverse backgrounds fostered a deep sense of engagement and unity. I wholeheartedly recommend Euroscola for an enriching educational experience."
Sophia Testaferrata:
"My experience at the Parliament in Strasbourg was beyond interesting. The topic discussed, gender equality, raised my awareness in the situation today. Each voice contributed to a new idea aimed at fostering gender equality across Europe. It was inspiring to witness firsthand the dedication of individuals committed to advancing the rights of women. I would definitely recommend Euroscola as an experience to drive meaningful change."