#UseYourVote Campaign Continues at Candlelit Festival in Gozo
Thousands of citizens attended the 'Lejl Imkebbes' Festival at Cittadella, where we emphasised the importance of voting in the election in Malta on 8 June.
Illuminating the ancient fortified core of the capital city of Victoria, in Gozo, with thousands of candles, this one-night festival of light and culture was the perfect opportunity to meet and greet Gozitan, Maltese, European and third-country citizens. Our stand at the entrance to Cittadella displayed the #UseYourVote campaign message loud and clear for everyone to see, as they walked into the citadel.

People of myriad nationalities and all walks of life stopped by our set-up to ask about our campaign and pick up a freebie from our selection of promotional items, including reusable notebooks, badges, stickers, T-shirts, booklets, EU flags, and more.

Enthusiastic children, adolescents, adults, and seniors alike took an interest in the EP's ongoing efforts to encourage voters to uphold and strengthen democracy at the European elections in June. With traditional folk musicians playing live instruments in the background, set against the stunning backdrop of the historic site perched on a hill in the centre of Malta's sister island, it was a wonderful occasion to connect with the electorate and continue spreading awareness.