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Demokrazija fl-azzjoni

Il-Kummissjarji-nominati għandhom l-indipendenza, il-kompetenzi u l-impenn Ewropew sabiex iservu fil-Kummissjoni Ewropea l-ġdida? Il-Membri tal-Parlament Ewroprew ser jistaqsu lil kull kandidat fl-udjenzi ta' konferma. Dan huwa mument importanti għad-demokrazija Ewropea: il-Parlament, elett miċ-ċittadini tal-UE, ser ikollu d-dritt finali li japprova jew jirriġetta l-Kulleġġ tal-Kummissarji.



Your MEPs

The European Parliament is made up of 705 Members elected through a unique, multinational democratic process.

Following the last European elections in June 2024, 6 MEPs representing our country took their seats in the European Parliament on 16 July 2024 for Parliament's 10th term.

Discover who they are and learn what they are doing for you!




Where to find us?

Our office is situated at Europe House, at the following address: 254, St Paul Street, Valletta 1215, Malta.

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Youth Correspondent

Visit the Parliament

Come and see for yourself how proposals become law and where your MEP has a say on the future of Europe. We offer a range of activities in Brussels and Strasbourg, so that whether you come alone, with your family, or in a group, there's something for you.

Visit the website Visit the website: Visiting

Explore the House of European History’s online collection

The collection contains a wide variety of historical objects including artworks, political documents and propaganda, everyday items and souvenirs of the past, which allow you to explore history from a European perspective.

Visit the website Visit the website: House of European History