EMAS at Europe House
What is EMAS? How is it implemented in Valletta?
The Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) is the EU's independently verified management system that helps both private and public organisations to improve their environmental performance by systematically setting objectives and targets, and measuring progress towards achieving them.
As a contribution to the Green Deal, the European Commission demonstrates its commitment to sustainable development and sound environmental practice by ensuring that it reduces the impact of its day-to-day activities in a manner consistent with the policies that it has developed for Europe.
Since 2020, our office has been working together with the European Commission Representation in Malta on the implementation of EMAS at our premises at Europe House, in Valletta.
The following people are involved in the implementation, who are available to you via email at emas_eplovalletta@europarl.europa.eu at any time for questions about EMAS.

How can you contribute?
1. Take the stairs – burn calories, not electricity.
Instead of reaching for the lift button every time, consider using the stairs more often. It's not always possible, but change your mindset a little at a time and see what happens.
2. Use plastic-free packaging for your coffee, lunch and shopping.
Packaging made of plastic or other unsustainably produced material is a plague on the natural environment. Europe House does not permit single-use plastic in its premises.
Be part of the solution and aim to stop using single-use packaging altogether. Remember the mantra of the 3Rs? Reduce, reuse, recycle. When something is used only once and thrown away, we're failing to take responsibility for what happens to it after that. Ask yourself this question: how much of what you use ends up in the waste immediately after you have used it?
The good news is it doesn't have to be that way! Containers and cups are available in the kitchens for your take-away lunch or coffee. Reusable water bottles have been distributed too and you can find some metallic ones in different shops in Malta, which keep liquids cold for up to 12 hours – great for Maltese summers!
Fruit and vegetable reusable bags are available in most supermarkets; just keep them with your larger shopping bags and remember to take them with you to your next visit to the grocery store.
3. Dispose of batteries sensibly.
Did you know that Europe House is a listed collection point for anyone to deposit their used batteries? That includes us! Remember that batteries thrown away corrode and the chemicals end up in the ground, the sea and possibly in our water supply.
4. Mind the airconditioning and ventilate instead, whenever you can.
Thank goodness for airconditioning in summer! But is it the answer all of the time? Choose the right temperature to reduce energy consumption, while still doing the job – try not to overcool the room, as this wastes energy. Be responsible for switching off the airconditioner when you leave the room.
5. Drive less.
Set yourself a target to reduce the number of times you use the car. For example, if you live in the Sliema area or the Three Cities, use the Valletta Ferry Services – Gozo residents can use the Gozo Fast Ferry once or twice a week. It's punctual, and you will avoid traffic. You get a little exercise too with the short walk to Europe House.
Share your experience with others, and share the benefits you've gained! Europe House has two service bicycles that can be used by anyone for short trips. If you're interested in borrowing the bikes, contact our team.
6. 730 tonnes of waste are dumped in the Mediterranean Sea every day. Don't add to it!
Waste material in our sea causes problems for marine life, risks to our health and our children's health, and adds enormous costs to our tourism and fisheries. Plastic waste in our oceans poses an environmental risk. No matter where you are – at the office, at home, or outside, be mindful of where your waste is going and take positive action to prevent it ending up in the wrong place.
Where you cannot reduce, try to reuse, but always recycle. Europe House separates all waste in accordance with local regulations. Separation bins are located in every office and kitchen. Batteries are deposited on the ground floor.
7. Consult the GPP Helpdesk.
For questions about the environmental criteria that must be observed when purchasing products or services ("Green Public Procurement"), the GPP Helpdesk is always at hand with help and advice.
8. Keep up to date with new tips to protect the environment.
Be it the more environmentally-friendly design of public events, the organisation of lower-emission business trips, or practical suggestions for greener working from home: numerous training courses provide supportive tips on EMAS and the European Green Deal. New training sessions are regularly shared via email.